We ship worldwide directly from our Tokyo warehouse only. We also offer different shipping options, but availability depends on the weight and types of items you order (more below). There are some locations to which packages cannot be shipped. We will contact you as soon as it becomes clear that we can’t ship your order to the selected location. We do not ship by EMS Express to any military addresses in the US.

As soon as humanly possible! If products you ordered are in stock, it will take us 3 to 5 business days to ship them. However, dispatch time may take longer during busy holiday seasons particularly Christmas and New Year time. Expedited DHL/UPS are always our priority. If your product is out of stock, we will email you asap to let you know how long it will take us to ship your whole parcel. Shipping times required for delivery depend on location, shipping method and how long your country customs office and your local post office process the parcel.

DHL/UPS provides all tracking information.

After your order has been received, every item will undergo strict quality control in order to ensure the product’s quality. Please note that different items are subject to different processing times. Generally, the average processing time is 1-3 business days (approximately); however, this is dependent on the item’s stock status. Handmade products may take longer and you’ll be informed of the delivery time soon after purchase.